Sunday, August 24, 2008

That Is Trading Sometimes

Category: Finance, Currency Trading.

Take this six question test.

Yes or No Do you have at least two hours per day to devote to this desire? Do you have the desire to make a million dollars or more? Yes or No Are you one who can take directions from a book? Yes or No Do you have enough sense to get the correct trading education before you start trading? Yes or No Do you have the minimum risk capital today of$ 5k to$ 10k and if not are you willing to save to attain it? Yes or No Do you write your financial goals down for your future? We are done with this test.

Yes or No. There are six questions above. Sorry, but it was you who answered the questions and I am giving you my thoughts. If you answered No to any of the above you really do not have enough desire to become a millionaire simply because you have no will power in your life. On the other hand, if you answered YES to all the above, keep reading as the good news is there is hope for you as a millionaire! First as an investor, commodity trader, stock trader, million dollar trader you must find the right trading education. 2nd: Once you find it, learn it well and then apply it into real life.

How? Below are some serious hints to get you started on this million dollar wealth journey? These Super Trades are very rare, but on certain occasions, do exist as you will soon see several times per year. Keep your losses small or low and keep your winnings higher on average with 50% or better profits and on certain rare occasions take in upwards of 1, 000% or more with Super Trade profits. Then compound your winnings at least on a monthly basis for rapid growth. During my more than 20 years of trading, I have spotted several trades that have that ability.

In case you are wondering what a Super Trade is, it is any trade that has the potential to produce for you a million dollars in profits within a 90 day period. In fact, there are some trades out there right now that can generate that kind of action with adequate risk capital at stake once you learn how. That is trading sometimes. Did you know that you can actually have ten losing trades with small losses then have one or two big winners and come out smelling like a rose with very serious profits? You will find that some months it seems you can do no wrong and other months, nothing you will do seems to work into your favor. When that nothing you do is right happens, take a two week vacation because you are simply not focused properly with your trading enough to win or your not doing the adequate research that is required to make you win at trading.

It happens! After a vacation, start back up fresh. Key secrets are needed to explode your profits. You also need to learn the correct secrets of the trading world to amass millions quickly. First lesson: Learn to cut your losses early. 10% is a good stop loss, but you will get whip sawed a little bit. Remember this, if there is no risk, you can bet there will be no serious gain and please realize that every trade you do decide to trade is not going to win as big as some Super Trades that are rare trades. If you have plenty of risk capital it increases to- 20% or to a max of- 25% for a mental stop loss is even better if you have done your research before you trade.

You may just get three or four series of super trades a year. You must learn to have discipline to become a savvy millionaire trader and also must learn that every now and then you must exit or offset your option trade and take a small loss if you re going to make money at option trading. Hey, you just need one to become a millionaire trader so if you do not get it right the first time, keep trying. It is simply a part of trading and far too few people who trade options do not realize that fact as a reality.


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The Concept Of Forex And Forex Trading Has Changed Drastically In The Last Few Years - Nadine Gauvin's Finance and Currency Trading blog:

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Yet, With The Help Of Many Trading Tools, A Big Majority Of Traders Are Still Unprofitable - Finance and Currency Trading Articles:

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